Wednesday, September 12, 2007

just askin'

So, NBC Nightly News has a special series this week called, "The Secret to Her Success." Basically it is how women can have it all; home, family, babies, job, happiness. The balancing act.




Which leads me to, why is it when a women wants it all, it's called "wanting it all." Special reports and series have to be made to demonstrate how women can successfully balance and be happy. But when a man has a family, job, babies, happiness it's just called Tuesday and a day at the office?


limpy99 said...

My wife just married me and got it all.

Plus a healthy dose of poorly founded narcissism.

Bre said...

Sing it, sister!

Jay Adkins said...

Ask not such questions, woman! Know your role and go make me a chicken pot pie!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

well that's simple...because when a man is happy and has it all it's thanks to a woman who is home working double time to allow him to be where he is.

-Tommy said...

Because, and should know this, according to the powers that be (um, men), all a woman who wants it all really wants is a penis. Since she can't have one, she'll take everything else instead.