To this:

He went from a dorky nerdy boy genius wonder doctor in, "Doogie Howser, M.D.,to sniffin E of a strippers ass in, "Harold and Kumar go to White Castle."
Nuff said.
This is me. A blog about my daily life and slices-of-life. It's honest, it's funny, it's sad, it's witty, it's sarcastic, sometimes it's soapbox-ish, it sometimes rambles, sometimes it's artsy, sometimes it's dorky but, it is always honest and always me. (Which ever "me" decides to show up on that particular day.) Simply put, it's just my daily world that I'm trying to sort out the only way I know how, through words.
I laughed so hard during that movie I gave myself a migraine.
Totally worth it.
That was the night I discovered I love low-brow humor.
Ok he has gotten better with age.
Oh yeah since you use Blogger you will see Template when writing your post. Go there and you will find many to choose from for a new look. You will loose any changes like your blog roll if you choose a new one. You just need to reinsert the code. Mikey
Good call. I'd do him.
I like the fact that he endured the endless Doogie jokes with good humor and came out the other side a successful actor.
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