Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Power of One: Alice Paul

Because it's only been 86 years since women gained the right to vote. She is one of the main reasons why we've had that right for 86 years.

Alice Paul


Jay Adkins said...

Just out of curiousity, have you ever read the book, "The Power of One"?

Party Girl said...

I have not. I just looked up the title however, is it by Bryce Courtenay?

Jay Adkins said...

It is.

Party Girl said...

The link works now. Sorry.

Old Man Crowder said...

Women can vote?? Holy Hannah, what is this world coming to??!!

Next thing you know, they're gonna want executive jobs, too!

TrappedInColorado said...

She was quite attractive too. Her mouth is sensous. Objective observation not meant to deminish her contribution.

Baron Ectar said...

When did ya all start voting - what's up with that - and why are you telling all the other women!

Jay Adkins said...

There already was a woman in the Oval Office.

She got her dress kinda dirty, though.


Party Girl said...

OMC: To hell and there ain't no handbasket involved.

Trapped: I agree. You're comment actually got me thinking about attractive women in politics and positions of power. I feel a post coming on.

Baron: Feel the power, baby. Feel the power. Grrrrr.

GG: God, let's hope it doesn't take a 100 years to see it.

Jay: Cute.

Party Girl said...

OMC: To hell and there ain't no handbasket involved.

Trapped: I agree. You're comment actually got me thinking about attractive women in politics and positions of power. I feel a post coming on.

Baron: Feel the power, baby. Feel the power. Grrrrr.

GG: God, let's hope it doesn't take a 100 years to see it.

Jay: Cute.

egan said...

My wife adores Alice Paul.

puerileuwaite said...

I love her cookies.

Adriana Bañares said...

I like your blog very much, but I'm spanish and my english is not very good...
Kisses from Spain.

I'll come back to read more