Tuesday, May 30, 2006

hottie of the week: Mathew McConaughey

It's really nothing more than the teeth and the (fake) sun-streaked golden locks that do it for me.
And the accent.
And the golden skin.
Oh, and the fact that he plays the bongos naked.
That's it.


Joe said...

I could probably go gay for McConaughey.

Party Girl said...

Yid: thanks!

Pyrhonik: A nice one I would like to crack!

GG: yep, the neighbors called the cops on him because he was making so much noise.
The full story is: He was playing the bongos naked while smoking pot.
True. Swear. He didn't deny it.

Mr S Baiter (nice name, by the way) Yes, always yummy.

Joefish: I just crushed on you a little bit for that comment.