Tuesday, March 28, 2006

hottie of the week: Angelina Jolie

She's comfortable in her own skin.
She's a tad freaky.
She's trying to save the world one nation and one adopted child at a time.
Um, yeah. It's Angelina Jolie. I would watch this woman if she was sitting on the toilet reading the phone book.


Party Girl said...

ok, I should say I liked her a lot better pre-Bradgelina.

Billy Bob kinda ew'd me out a little.

And well, the whole kissing her brother thing.

Otherwise totally hot.

Will said...

She's way below my standards. She's got sharpe knees.

Party Girl said...

ho-me-g: mmm, never occurred to me, but has now.

Will: Nice on the knees comment.

And I have a feeling if she showed up on your door her knees would do just fine.

Party Girl said...

Rob: nice!

I love 'me' time!

Anonymous said...

Yep, and she gets bonus points for being bi.

But she's become a little too freaky for me since her Tomb Raider days.

puerileuwaite said...

I can't believe that no one commented on them, but it's THE EYES people!

She has awesome EYES.

Oh, and the rest ain't too shabby either.