Tuesday, March 21, 2006

hottie of the week: Jennifer Love Hewitt

Beautiful brown eyes.
Great hair.
Warm smile.
Amazing boobage.
I think there is a resemblance between she and I.
She's the girl next door.


MrHinge said...

I guess none of us will ever know if there is a resemblence.

Kuflax said...

She has sharp knees.

I'd still hit it though.

Poz Mikey said...

I wouldn't hit it. LOL but if you are that hot why the dating problems?

Will said...

I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Party Girl said...

Mrhinge: stick around, you never now where the blog is going to go.

Kuflax: as in she has boney knees?

Mikey: to hell you say! lol.

Oh, I'm sure she has dating problems as well. I just choose badly. Resolution for the year, no more choosing badly.

Also, I wouldn't say I am a dead ringer, just some similarities and the same quick with a smile and a head tilt sort of way.

Will: not a fan? Don't think she is a hottie? Too bad.

Ho-Me-G. I know amazing boobage, and thanks!

Jay Adkins said...

I think she's hot.

I also think she couldn't act if her fucking life depended on it.

Party Girl said...

Jay: yep and yep.

puerileuwaite said...

I used to agree with the acting critique, but I recently saw her in a bio pic on Audrey Hepburn.

And not only did she ACT, she was HOT. I would definitely visit Moon River and stay over for Breakfast at Tiffany's. Then we would perform a Reverse Roman Holiday.